
Graduate School

Graduate School
+82 2 705 8168
The academic mission of the Graduate School extends far beyond the acquirement of established knowledge, to challenge and develop new theories and ideas so that scholarship and innovation may meet to create new truths and wisdom for the future.

Deeply rooted in the 460-year-old tradition of Jesuit education and its Catholic vision of the world, the Graduate School of Sogang University was founded in March of 1968 to foster leadership and the intellectual potential of its students through the continuing education and research. In addition to being fully committed to the pursuit of academic excellence, it encourages the development of creativity through rigorous inquiry and the quest for truth.

Hence, in the spirit of the University’s motto, “Obedire Veritati (Be obedient to the truth),” the Graduate School offers Masters and Ph.D. programs from 24 departments and 5 interdisciplinary programs. Furthermore, through employing an exchange program with other top-rated universities in the city such as Yonsei University and Ewha Woman’s University, it has widened its academic scope and resources. About 1,594 students are currently pursuing Masters and Doctoral degrees at the Graduate School, and as of 2015, Sogang University has awarded 10,601 Masters degrees and 1,577 Doctoral degrees, the numbers of which reflect the increasing importance of graduate education.

The University’s commitment to continual growth and excellence has launched six major strategies for development with the goal of becoming one of the top 100 universities in the world by the year 2020. In 2008, several of Sogang’s Departments and Research Institutes were selected by the Korean government for its national scholarship projects such as the “Humanities Korea,” “Brain Korea,” and “World Class University.” These remarkable achievements testify to the proud efforts made by the Sogang community and mark the beginning of a promising future.