
Attendance and School Register

FA Systemarow

FA System

  • FA (failure because of absences) is a failing grade given to students whose absences exceed the allowable limit set for a course during the semester. This system aims to encourage students to proactively participate in classes while building trust between students and the University and between the University and parents.
  • If the number of absences exceeds the allowed limit, the grade for that course will be recorded as FA, resulting in course failure.

Allowable absence limit

  • The number of absences allowed for each course during a given semester is up to twice the number of class hours per week. For example, a three-hour-a-week course allows six hours of absence per semester, and a two-hour-a-week course allows four hours of absence per semester.
  • Three tardies count as one absence.

Allowable absence limit during a graduating semester

  • During a graduating semester in which a student has been confirmed as a graduand, the permissible absence limit is doubled, allowing for job preparation, interviews, etc. For example, for two- or three-credit courses that meet twice a week, up to eight absences are allowed, and nine absences lead to a grade of FA.
  • The increased absence limit becomes effective when students are officially announced as graduands by the Office of the Registrar (around the end of April and October) following the graduation assessment.
  • However, the increased limit does not apply to students who have not met the graduation requirements even after eight semesters or who must take seasonal courses to graduate.

Attendance check

  • The University employs an assigned seating system to strictly manage attendance. In the first class of each semester, each student is assigned a seat, and their attendance is checked based on a seating chart. Therefore, all students must attend classes in their assigned seats throughout the semester, and failure to do so is counted as an absence.
  • Students who arrive during the first 15 minutes of class are counted as tardy. After that time, students who enter class late are counted as absent.
  • For consecutive classes that meet once a week, attendance is checked twice a day. Being absent from a consecutive class is counted as two absences.

FA warning and confirmation status

CreditsClass Format1st warning2nd warningFA confirmedNotes
3 Credits

3 hours per week - twice a week,

75 minutes each

3 absences4 absences5 absences

3 hours per week - once a week,

150 minutes of lecture

3 absences4 absences5 absences Check and record attendance twice a day. 1st and
2nd warnings occur simultaneously
2 Credits

2 hours per week - twice a week,

50 minutes each

3 absences4 absences5 absences

2 hours per week - once a week,

100 minutes of lecture

3 absences4 absences5 absences Check and record attendance twice a day. 1st and

2nd warnings occur simultaneously

1 CreditOne 100-minute class per week3 absences4 absences5 absences

Attendance is checked and recorded twice per

class. 1st and 2nd warnings occur simultaneously

practice, etc.1 absence2 absences3 absencesCheck and record attendance once per class

Confirmation of attendance records

  • Students can view their absences and FA status by logging in to the SAINT portal (Academic Management à Courses/Grades à FA Status by Course).
  • Depending on how close students are to their permissible absence limit, they are given first and second FA warnings and subsequently a final FA confirmation, when applicable, via text message. Thus, it is important for all students to keep their cell phone number up to date in the SAINT portal to ensure they receive attendance-related mobile messages.
  • However, given potential administrative delays, SAINT and text messaging may not provide information in real time, so students are advised to keep track of their attendance themselves to avoid failing a course due to absenteeism.

Correction of attendance errors

  • Corrections can be made for a glaring human error(s) in attendance reporting.
  • A correction request along with supporting documents must be submitted to the college administrative team where the absence report was received within two weeks of the relevant class date.
  • A correction request is prepared by the attendance assistant and must be approved by the professor in charge of the course.
  • Approval of a correction request requires hard evidence.


Office of the Registrar(02-705-8664)