

Graduation Requirementsarow

Academic records for graduating semester

  • Students in their graduating semester must maintain their active student status. (Even if a student has completed all credits required for graduation, he or she cannot graduate while on a leave of absence.)

Credits required for graduation

  • Students admitted in 2009 or earlier: at least 140 credits

  • Students admitted after 2010: at least 130 credits (at least 126 credits for social sciences, economics, and business majors)

Mandatory English-medium major courses

  • Students admitted after 2006 must complete a certain number of English-medium major courses across multiple majors, including their own, prior to their graduation.

  • Students admitted in 2006: at least three courses

  • Students admitted in 2007: at least four courses

  • Students admitted after 2008: at least five courses

※ However, the following students are exempt from this requirement: North Korean defector students, students pursuing a single major (Korean Language and Literature, German Culture, French Culture, Chinese Culture, Japanese Culture, and Law), students in special education, hearing-impaired students admitted through special screening, and international students

Important notes for course completion

  • The required core is limited to the courses corresponding to students’ first major.

  • The pre-major courses (Accreditation for Engineering Education: MSC) applicable to students’ second and third majors must be completed. However, these courses are not counted as major credits.

  • When a course is counted as both a pre-major course for one major and a major course for another major (e.g., general physics), the course is recognized as both a pre-major course and a major course (required/elective).

  • When a required/elective major course (excluding interdepartmental majors) is applicable to students’ multiple majors, it is recognized and counted as only one major course. In this case, a student is exempt from the requirement to complete the course in question but must complete the total number of credits required to pursue the corresponding major

    For example, when a student whose first major is mathematics pursues a second major of business management, completing Introduction to Statistics relieves the student of the need to complete Business Statistics. However, the student must complete another elective course with the same credit hours as Business Statistics to meet the multi-major credit requirements. That is, the student is exempt from the obligation to complete Business Statistics, but the total major-specific credit requirements remain the same.

  • Students are allowed to have up to six overlapping credits between their major courses and those of interdepartmental and student-designed majors (applicable to students admitted after 2014).

    For example, when a student whose first major is political science pursues a second major of politics, economics, and philosophy (PEP), up to six credits of political science courses are allowed to overlap.

  • Despite the double recognition of credits as in the cases of 3, 4, and 5, they are counted toward the graduation credit requirements only once.

    For example, even though a three-credit major course in political science is allowed to be recognized as both a first major (political science) course and a second major course (politics, economics, and philosophy combined), only three credits are counted toward the total credits earned.

  • Graduation theses and exams and special research are not recognized as major credits.

Advanced program for engineering majors

  • Students who have completed the accreditation for engineering education are advised to refer to the major-specific advanced program guidebook, which is available at each department office and website.

  • Distribution: Each department office or department's official website

Inquiry of Graduation Requirements

  • SAINT -> Courses/Grades -> Courses Completed(UG)



Office of the Registrar(02-705-8125)