
Course Registration

Course Registration

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Course registration process

  • Students can register for their courses by logging in to the course registration system on the University website (using the same ID and password required for SAINT login) during each semester’s course registration period. A course registration banner is created on the website.
  • During the registration period, students must check the courses offered for the semester through the course registration guide issued each semester and the “Information on Courses Offered” page on the website. This process allows students to decide what to pursue across core courses, pre-major courses, and required/elective major courses to meet their curriculum requirements. Before registering for courses, students are advised to choose courses that are suitable for their year and semester and refer to the “Course Registration References” in the “Information on Courses Offered” page.
  • In particular, graduands must check their course completion status from the “Course Completion List” in SAINT to ensure that they have completed all the required courses for graduation.

Course registration (number of credits)

  • Students are allowed to register for a minimum of nine credits and a maximum of 19 credits, including repeated courses, per semester. Note that this is 12–21 credits for students admitted in 2009 or earlier, but in their eighth semester, such students can register for a minimum of nine credits.
  • Students who have completed an average of 17 credits (18 credits for students admitted in 2009 or earlier) per regular semester and whose cumulative GPA (CGPA) is 3.75 or higher (3.5 for students admitted in 2021 or earlier) as well as students selected for the bachelor’s–master’s program can register for up to 22 credits (24 credits for students admitted in 2009 or earlier).
  • Graduands who have accumulated at least 102 credits (98 credits for social science/economics/business program students) can register for up to 22 credits, while students who were admitted in 2009 or earlier and who have accumulated at least 110 credits can register for up to 24 credits.

Classroom allocation

  • Information on classroom allocation for each course becomes available before the start of the semester on the University website's "Information on Courses Offered" or through SAINT (Academic Management > Courses/Grades > Course Registration Inquiry).

Important notes regarding course registration

  • Returning students must apply to return to school at the One Stop Service Station during the leave of absence/returning to school application period in order to register for courses.
  • Regarding the courses offered for Communications and Art & Technology majors, only students in the relevant majors are allowed to register for them during the initial course registration period. However, students in other majors can register for these courses during the course confirmation and change period.
  • Regarding the courses offered for Sogang Business School (SBS) program majors, only students majoring in the SBS program (including students taking the SBS program as their second or third major) can register for these courses.
  • To register for courses requiring a prerequisite, students must complete the required prerequisite(s).
  • Regarding courses that are reserved for certain groups of students (e.g., courses for retakers, first timers, students with student numbers ending in a specific number, and beginners), students who do not belong to these groups are strongly discouraged from registering for these reserved courses to avoid potential penalties.
  • After the initial course registration, lecture schedules and classrooms may change due to course cancellations, course section adjustments, newly opened courses, and faculty members’ personal circumstances. Therefore, students must regularly check the website for notices and the latest course-related information.
  • Courses can be cancelled when the number of registered students is less than 60 for major courses, less than 20 for required core courses, and less than 25 for core electives and general education electives.

Permission to attend courses

  • Students who are unable to register for an intended course due to course restrictions (e.g., quota restrictions) can be granted permission to attend the course by submitting an application to attend courses (a designated form) and securing approval from the professor in charge of the course. However, students cannot be granted permission to attend courses in excess of their maximum allowable credits, including repeated courses.
  • The application for permission to attend courses, approved by the professor in charge, should be submitted to the college administrative team of the student’s first major during the course confirmation and change period. Students must visit SAINT and ensure that their application has been properly processed.

Course withdrawal

  • Students can withdraw from courses in the course registration system during the course confirmation and change period.
  • Students must have the course withdrawal form (a designated form) signed by the professor in charge of the course and submit it to the college administrative team of their first major after the course change period has begun but no later than the course withdrawal deadline. After submitting the form, students must visit SAINT and ensure that their application has been properly processed.
  • Students are not allowed to withdraw from a course in which they have already received an FA, even before the course withdrawal deadline.
  • Regardless of course withdrawal, students must maintain the minimum nine credits.
  • Students cannot withdraw from a course for any reason after the course withdrawal deadline.

Credit registration

  • Students who have not completed the required number of credits for graduation may apply for credit registration after the expiration of the regular enrollment period (eight semesters).
  • Only students with less than nine unearned credits in their graduating semester are eligible for credit registration, and they must apply for all unearned credits at once.
  • Eligible students must check the tuition for credit registration through SAINT and pay it in full.
  • The tuition for credit registration may vary from year to year.


Office of the Registrar(02-705-8665)