

Undergraduate Tuition Payment Instructions

  • Payment Period:
    • - Please, note that there are Tuition must be paid within the stipulated payment period.
    • - Under Article 31.1 of Academic Regulations, students
    • - In the case of
    • Exceptions are granted in the following specific cases:
      • 1) Students who receive full scholarships (on-campus and off-campus full scholarships)
      • 2) Student loan applicants
  • Tuition Bill Guidelines
    • 1)
    • 2) their tuition bills from the website by going to the SAINT Portal → Registration/Scholarship → Tuition Payment History/Tuition Bill
  • Accepted Banks: Woori Bank, Kookmin Bank, Nonghyup Bank
  • Payment Method
    • ※ You must pay tuition directly to the school’s virtual account. Recently, there has been a rise in telecommunication financial fraud. This type of fraud typically includes tuition being paid overseas through acquaintances or professional intermediaries. We strongly urge you to pay you tuition yourself directly as tuition issues can result in severe academic issues.
      • Payment via bank transfer using a Woori Bank virtual account
        • Deposit the tuition fee to the Woori Bank (virtual) account stated on your tuition bill.
          • (1) You are able to make only one payment to your virtual account. If you wish to also pay miscellaneous fees (such as the student union fee), please add these fees to your tuition amount so that all fees, bills, and tuition are paid within a single transaction. This is because the virtual account can only receive one transfer per payment period.
          • (2) The (virtual) account number is designated for tuition payment. Therefore, the "sender" does not need to be the student themselves.
          • (3) For wire transfers, online banking, phone banking, and ATM machines at any bank in Korea are accepted.Any transfer fees incurred will be at the student’s expense when using financial agencies except in the case of a Woori Bank virtual account.)
          • (4) Registration for students who are eligible for full tuition reduction ()
            • a. Pay the student union fee to the Woori Bank (virtual) account
            • b. be sure to on the website. You can get there by going to the SAINT Portal → Registration/Scholarship → Tuition Payment History/Tuition Bill
          • (5) Korea Student Aid Foundation Student Loan Application Procedure (Inquiries: Student Loan 1599-2000, Student Support Team 705-8739, 705-8128)
            • a. Apply for a student loan through the official KOSAF Website
              • : Sign up for online banking (certificate is required) → Go to the official Korea Student Aid Foundation website ( and create an account → Fill out the “Student Aid Application Form” → Submit your form (to the official Korea Student Aid Foundation website or upload via mobile phone)
              • (obtaining “household member's consent” is essential, especially to determine the income class for the loan application)
            • b. Finalizing the Loan Agreement
              • : Upon receiving the loan approval on the Korea Student Aid Foundation website, proceed to the loan execution during the payment period to pay your tuition.
              • ※ For detailed instructions, refer to the Student Loan Application Guidance Notice (Scholarship Notice).
      • 2) In-Person Payment at the Bank: Bring your tuition bill to your bank and pay it in person.
        • - Please be aware that, due to the ongoing pandemic, banking hours might have been reduced. Be sure to check your bank's operating hours before visiting.
        • ※ Kookmin Bank does not offer online payment services.
      • 3) Credit Card Payment: Woori Card, Hyundai Card
  • Tuition Installment Payments

1) Installment Amount and Payment Period

InstallmentPayment PeriodAmount

Will be separately noted

1/4 of tuition fees + student union fee (optional)

*Student union fee can be paid only during the payment period for the 1st installment

2nd1/4 of tuition fees
3rd1/4 of tuition fees
4th1/4 of tuition fees
* You can print a tuition bill for each installment from 5 p.m. two days before the payment period begins. Please refer to the tuition bill on the SAINT portal for the exact payment amount for each installment.

2) Payment Method

(1) In the case of making payments by installment,

(2) You can spread out your tuition payments over 4 installments per semester. If the amount paid matches the installment specified on the bill, the payment will be automatically processed. (Note: non-scholarship recipients do not need to apply for installment payments). However, you cannot apply for installment payments after you have already covered the entire tuition.

(3) Scholarship recipients must apply for installment payments on the Menu. To get there, you can visit the SAINT Portal → Registration/Scholarship → Installment Payment Request (Scholarship Recipient) Menu.
(The actual amount to be paid must exceed the first installment, For details, please refer to the SAINT portal application page)

3) Student NOT qualified for installment payment

* If you are enrolled for more than 8 semesters or graduating this semester

* If you have received an expulsion warning

* If you are a readmitted student (readmission semester)

* If you failed to pay the previous installment and are long overdue

* If you are a loan applicant (however, you can apply for the second to fourth installment loan)

4) If you wish to take a leave of absence during the semester, you should apply for a leave of absence after paying the balance in full.

5) Starting from the 2nd semester of the 2016 academic year, an ‘installment loan’ has been introduced. If you wish to take out a student loan to cover a portion of the payment, you should contact the Student Support Team. (Note that the first installment cannot be covered with a loan.)

6. Payment Confirmation and (Confirmation Balance) Payment Confirmation Printout for Tuition and Miscellaneous Fees

1) Check Tuition Payment Status (

: You can check your payment status in real-time

2) On the SAINT Portal: SAINT Portal → Registration/Scholarship → Tuition Payment History/Tuition Bill. Access the “Real-time Payment Status” menu 10-15 minutes after making the payment. (You can confirm the payment status in real-time if you made a transfer to a virtual account of Woori Bank and paid by a Woori Card. For payments made through Kookmin Bank, Nonghyup, and Hyundai Card, the confirmation will be available beginning the afternoon of the following business day.

3) Printing Payment Confirmation (Confirmation Deposit) of Tuition and Miscellaneous Fees : You can print out the payment confirmation yourself by going to SAINT Portal → Registration/Scholarship → Tuition Payment History/Tuition Bill. (For payments made through a virtual account, the certificate will be available for printing from the afternoon of the day after payment. For credit card payments, the certificate will be available for printing 3 days after the payment. For those with no payment (“0 KRW”), printing the Payment Confirmation of Tuition and Miscellaneous Fees will be available for printing starting the second week of March and September.)

4) Education Expense Payment Certificate for the year-end settlement will be accessible at SAINT Portal → Registration/Scholarship → Tuition Payment History/Tuition Bill starting mid-January of the following year when the year-end settlement simple service opens.

7. Tax Credit for Education Expenses

1) In accordance with the amendment of Article 59.4 of the Income Tax Act, “education expenses paid by a

- Deductible Loan Types: Income Contingent (DeunDeun) Loans, Direct Loans, and Loans for Rural Students by KOSAF

- Education expenses paid by a direct descendant (student) using a student loan are deductible against principal and interest payments in the year in which the student repays the loan. The amount of repayment is provided by the KOSAF to the National Tax Service.

- From 2017 on, the “Student Loan (executed) amount” is deducted from the tuition and only sthe actual amount paid (by the student) is reflected on the Education Expense Payment.

2) In addition, under Article 118-6.2 of the Enforcement Decree of the Income Tax Act, scholarships (including national work scholarships, on-campus work scholarships, living expense scholarships, and scholarships in the form of rewards) received from the enrolled school are not deductible regardless of whether the student received a tuition deduction or direct payment through a deposit. If you are planning to work for the government or on-campus during the academic year, you must consult with your parents before deciding. If your parents have earned income, the work scholarship amount cannot be deducted from the education expenses.)

8. Leave of Absence Guidelines (Department: One Stop Service Station)

1) If you intend to take a leave of absence, you must complete the leave application process on the SAINT portal If the leave request is approved, tuition payments cannot be made.

* However, in case of Enlistment Leave of Absence during the semester (enlistment date must be after the semester begins), tuition is carried over in full (unlike general leaves which do not carry over).

2) If students intend to take a leave of absence after making the payment, those who apply for leave before the semester starts are eligible for a full tuition refund. (One Stop Service Station E-mail ( Application for leave of absence must be sent by midnight one day before the semester begins)

3) For leaves of absence requested after March 1 (spring semester) or September 1 (fall semester), tuition will be refunded after a portion has been deducted, as stipulated in the Ministry of Education's Rules on University Tuition and the school’s Tuition Regulations.

* Tuition refunds or carryovers are not available for students disciplined for limited suspensions or more in the corresponding semester (refer to Article 8 of the Tuition Regulations)

※ For detailed criteria regarding tuition refund and carryover – refer to the announcement to be made

  • * Contact Information by Subject (Hours During Break: 10:00-17:00)
  • - Office of Financial Affairs: 705-8146 (Tuition Payment, Payment Confirmation of Tuition and Miscellaneous Fees, Education Expense Payment Certificate)
  • - Office of Financial Aid and Student Activities: 705-8129 (School and State Scholarships), 8730 (Off-Campus Scholarships), 705-8739 (Student Loan)
  • - One Stop Service Station: 705-8003 (Return, Drop out), 705-8000 (leave of absence)
  • - Office of the Registrar: 705-8124 (Course and Credit Registration)